Grow in Christ

Sunday School

Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in the Education Hall

We have four classes:

The Disciples at HCPC (Room 101)

The Disciples at Homewood Cumberland Presbyterian Church is a small group whose purpose is to create a community of Christ followers who support one another in life, worship, and vocation. Though primarily meeting during the Sunday School hour, the group also meets periodically for fellowship and service. The group is led by Rev. Sherrad Hayes and is currently studying Amos. See our church calendar or join the Facebook group for more details and upcoming events.

The Faith Builders (Room 115)

Rev. Derek Jacks, Teacher

The Seekers (Room 117)

This class is taught by Delores Moore, and it follows the international Adult Bible Class series through Union Gospel Press.

Children’s Sunday School

Children aged 3 years to early childhood are invited to our children’s Sunday School class where experienced church members teach age-appropriate, scriptural lessons. A nursery for children under 3 is also  provided in Room 119.

Confirmation Class

Confirmation is a time of study for children (usually in middle school) to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith as they prepare to make a public declaration of their faith.  If previously baptized, the child prepares to affirm the faith of their baptism. If not, the child prepares to receive baptism.

Adult Bible Study

Currently on break.

Ladies’ Bible Study

Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. in Room 113

Our Ladies’ Bible Study is led by Barbara Pauly.

Men’s Prayer Fellowship

Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 a.m. in Room 101

Led by Rev. Derek Jacks, this “band of brothers” meets for breakfast, prayer, and Bible Study. The current study is the Gospel of Mark.

Fellowship Dinner

Each 2nd Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.

Once a month, the church gathers to share a meal. Occasionally, a guest speaker will discuss a topic during dinner. There is no need to bring a dish – a staff of volunteers lovingly prepares each meal. (To help offset costs, a donation of $5 per person is requested.) For details and upcoming events, see our church calendar!

Gallopin’ Gourmets

One Saturday a month in the afternoon or early evening

Joyce Trott organizes this traveling fellowship to enjoy a meal once a month. The goal: to “know each other better, love each other more!” The group typically samples the cuisine of the Greater Birmingham area but occasionally travels by bus to other cities in Alabama. See our calendar for specific events and times.